
New Online Pharmacy Program Allows Residents to Purchase Generic Viagra® and Generic Cialis® at $7 for 9 Tablets. (Limit of 18 Tablets Per Person, Per Month.)

In this program, you'll never pay more for higher doses of ED medication. It’s straightforward: no additional charges for higher doses, no need for a prescription. Simply answer a couple of easy health-related questions in under two minutes, and you're all set.

(Washington, D.C.) Exciting news for men in : A new program has been announced that offers men in Generic Viagra and Generic Cialis for 96% less than the retail price in pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens. 100 mg Generic Viagra tablets retail for $45 in CVS and $46 in Walgreens. 20 mg Generic Cialis tablets retail for $52 in CVS and $50 in Walgreens. This program offers the same 100 mg Generic Viagra and 20 mg Generic Cialis tablets for only $0.87!

As expected, residents are racing to sign up for the program. But don’t worry, I will explain how you can skip the wait and sign up online in 2 minutes.

The program is called Friday Plans, and they offer everyone a free prescription when one registers under this program. Because of the free prescription you don’t need health insurance or a previous prescription for Generic Viagra or Generic Cialis to sign up for this program. You don’t even need to talk to a doctor in most states.

All you need to do is answer a few questions about your medical history. It takes less than 2 minutes to complete the whole process.

A doctor will review your answers and approve your prescription, if appropriate. The medical consultation is free and you don’t have to talk to a doctor in most states. And 2-3 days later, your Generic Viagra or Generic Cialis will arrive at your door in discreet packaging.

To sum it up, Friday Plans gets you a prescription online for free in 2 minutes and delivers Generic Viagra or Generic Cialis right to your door in a couple of days.

And if you sign up today, you also get $10 off your first package.

We don't know how long this program will last given big pharma’s lobbying budget. We urge everyone to sign up while this program is still open. You can try this program for only $0.87 per tablet if you signup today with an extra $10 free credit. See if you qualify>>

The price of Generic Viagra and Generic Cialis under this program is capped at $1.99 per tablet, but with the extra $10 off you can get a 9 tablet package for just $7.91, or $0.87 per tablet! Even for 100mg Generic Viagra or 20mg Generic Cialis!

The program is only limited to 18 tablets per month per person because of limited supplies.

With Friday Plans, patients are able to save $43 on each 100 mg Generic Viagra tablet and $50 on each 20 mg Generic Cialis tablet compared to CVS because CVS's retail prices are $45 and $52 respectively vs. just $1.99 for Friday Plans.

Friday Plans, since its launch, has gone viral, first being shared by users on Facebook, then being featured on news sites like ABC and CBS.

So far, the comments and feedback for Friday Plans have been outstanding, with hundreds of American men posting 5 star reviews on Trustpilot and BBB.

“Great customer service, fast shipping and selling a product and a great price. I would recommend this product to anyone! works as advertised.”, wrote one user.

“I had actually forgotten how hard I could get” wrote another.

One man summed up his feelings about making the switch to Friday Plans by saying: “Keep them coming wow actually really works I'm actually gonna subscribe”.

So you really don’t want to miss your chance to take advantage of this program. We recommend everyone with ED sign up while it’s still being offered.

How You Can Obtain Generic Viagra® or Generic Cialis® at the Special Price of $0.87 Per Tablet Today:

Step 1: Select your age below

Step 2: Go to Friday Plans and find out if you qualify! It takes less than two minutes

Start by Selecting Your Age:
See If I Qualify »